# Integrate Widget

# Choose your network type

In order to determine how best to use the widget on your site, select the networks you're using. You can see our full list of supported networks here and our full list of supported wallets here.

Should you choose to integrate on-chain, please refer to our on-chain integration guide.

# Quick start for EVM chains

yarn add @kycdao/widget


npm install @kycdao/widget

Step 2 Import the Widget Iframe client.

import { KycDaoIframeClient } from '@kycdao/widget'

Step 3 Create an Iframe client instance and open it conditionally.

const iframeClient = new KycDaoIframeClient({
    parent: '#modalroot',
    iframeOptions: {
        url: "https://sdk.kycdao.xyz/iframe.html",
        messageTargetOrigin: window.origin,
    config: {
        demoMode: true,
        enabledBlockchainNetworks: ["PolygonMumbai"],
        enabledVerificationTypes: ["KYC"],
        evmProvider: "ethereum",
        baseUrl: "https://staging.kycdao.xyz",

function Iframe() {
    return (
            <button onClick={() => iframeClient.open()}>
                Open modal

            <div id="modalroot" />

For details on the config used to initialize the Widget, see: Configuration options

# Quick start for non-EVM chains

Step 1 Add the Widget package to your project with:

yarn add @kycdao/widget


npm install @kycdao/widget

Step 2 Import the Widget and its styles.

import { KycDaoWidget } from '@kycdao/widget'
import '@kycdao/widget/app.css'
import '@kycdao/widget/client.css'

Step 3 Create a Widget widget instance and render it.

{/* Render conditionally, as and when the widget / modal needs to be open */}
    onSuccess={(tx_url) => console.log(tx_url)}
    onFail={(err) => console.error(err)}
        demoMode: false,
        baseUrl: "https://staging.kycdao.xyz",
        enabledVerificationTypes: ["KYC"],
        enabledBlockchainNetworks: [
        evmProvider: window.ethereum,

For details on the config used to initialize the Widget, see: Configuration options

# Other ways to integrate

Use with Next.js
Use with Create React App
Use in HTML/JS
Use with Gatsby