# Issuers

Issuers are regulated entities that enable trusted anons to link their wallets to their compliant off-chain accounts.

Members link their wallet to their account with an Issuer and mint a kycNFT as an on-chain proof.

Issuers of kycDAO are the cornerstone of the framework. Issuers enable kycDAO members to use their on-chain compliance proofs (kycNFT) to web3 services and smart contracts to build a trusted web3 ecosystem.

The framework's reuseable proofs are available across various blockchains and ecosystems. Regulated issuers already manage compliance about their customers, and extending the proofs to self-hosted wallets is done without increasing legal complexity and liability for the issuer.

Issuers are not financially responsible for linked self-hosted wallets.
Self-custody wallets, by design, are owned and controlled by the private key holder

Issuers must meet set regulatory requirements
kycDAO sets Issuer requirements to harmonize regulatory regimes and enable coherent compliance across blockchains.

Minted kycNFTs do NOT store any personal information nor represent the Issuer.

# Issuer categories

  • Centralized Exchnages
  • On/Off ramps
  • Custody services
  • PE firms
  • Fintechs
  • Banks
  • & other regulated entities.

# Issuer benefits

New way to onboard users.
A new method for onboarding users by requiring them to have an account with a kycDAO issuer.

Trusted wallets
The ability to ensure that wallets depositing or withdrawing funds have compliant accounts with a kycDAO issuer through trusted proofs.

Blurring web2 with web3
The ability to use web3 primitives while meeting web2 requirements, and develop new services and tools using compliant proofs.

Compliant web3
Enhancing trust in the web3 ecosystem, particularly for on-off ramps, DAOs, grants, RWAs, etc.

Ongoing monitoring
kycDAO runs ongoing on-chain compliance to ensure that verified wallets are not participating in illegal activities.

kycDAO offers an incentivization program for Issuers, to participate in the framework.

# Join as an Issuer

Interested to learn more or to schedule a call, please email us at [email protected]

# Issuer integration

Technical integration to maintain the kycNFT verification status is available at requested through our Support.