# WalletConnectManager

kycdao-mobile - v0.1.0 / WalletConnectManager

A WalletConnect V1 compatibility support class. Use this, if you want to connect the verification flow to a wallet through WalletConnect

# Table of contents

# Methods

  • connect
  • listWallets
  • startListening
  • subscribeOnSession
  • getInstance

# Methods

# connect

connect(wallet): Promise<void>

Used for connecting to a wallet app. If the wallet is installed, it will be opened with a connection request prompt. If the wallet is not installed, it will launch the AppStore where the user can download it.

# Parameters

Name Type Description
wallet Wallet The selected wallet you want to connect with

# Returns


# Defined in


# listWallets

listWallets(): Promise<[Wallet]>

Provides a list of usable wallets for WalletConnect services based on the WalletConnect V1 registry

# Returns


The list of compatible mobile wallets

# Defined in


# startListening

startListening(): void

Start listening for incoming connections from wallets

# Returns


# Defined in


# subscribeOnSession

subscribeOnSession(start, failure): EmitterSubscription

Subscribe to WalletConnect session start and failure events

# Parameters

Name Type Description
start (walletSession: WalletConnectSession) => void A handler for successfully started WalletConnectSessions
failure (err: WCSessionError) => void A handler that is called when the connection is rejected which resulted in a failure to start a session

# Returns


A subscription that should be kept until it is being used. Call remove() on the subscription when it is no longer needed.

# Defined in


# getInstance

Static getInstance(): WalletConnectManager

WalletConnectManager singleton instance

# Returns



# Defined in
