# kycNFT art

kycNFTs are the web3 version of the Twitter , but they are unique and owned by the user.

kycNFTs are highly personalizable.

Read more about the kycNFT privacy preserving design here kycNFT metadata

To integrate kycNFTs into your project's UI, 🧩 Integrate Widget

# kycNFT art personalization

kycNFTs are highly customizable to represent human uniqueness. We strive to offer our members an ever-growing pool of art through collaborations.

[nft 1] [nft 2] [nft 3] [nft 4]

Art can be static, regenerative, or looping to represent our changing interests and personality.

[nft 5 BRAND] [ nft 6 STABLE DIFFUSION] [nft 7 GIF]

# NFT art collaboration:

# for partners:

Partners integrating kycDAO can submit custom NFT art. kycDAO members can showcase their commitment by minting their favorite project's art.

# for artists

If you are an artist and would like to collaborate, get in touch with us via:

# Integration of kycNFTs

# Unique shape

kycNFTs follow a unique shape to create an iconic art placement.

Download kycNFT hexagon shape
kycDAO_hexagon.svg 1.13KB

kycNFT hexagon; 600px x 560px (15:14)
kycNFT hexagon; 600px x 560px (15:14)